Prince George Arrives Hand in Hand with Prince William for First Day of School!

What a week it's been for royal watchers! This morning, Prince George started school at Thomas's Battersea. The significant day denoted an all-important milestone in any child's life. Like thousands of other children up and down the country, the four-year-old future king is likely feeling a little apprehensive as he begins his new journey. One can imagine scenes at Kensington Palace this morning: ensuring George's bag is filled with supplies, helping him put on his uniform, taking photos for family albums. A friend told me, when her daughter began school last year, it was the parents who were evidently more nervous than the children - attempting to hide the burst of emotion that comes with seeing your little one setting off into the world. I'm sure William and Kate can relate to those feelings today.

Earlier this week, it was announced, Kate is expecting her third child, and suffering with Hyperemesis gravidarum. The acute sickness meant she had to cancel two engagements, with William confirming at an engagement on Tuesday: "There's not much sleep going on." It was very much a touch-and-go situation and royal reporter Rebecca English tweeted yesterday afternoon it was "highly unlikely" Kate would be able to make it given how sick she is. This morning KP confirmed that fact "The Duchess remains unwell and will be unable to accompany Prince George". It must be incredibly disappointing for Kate, to have not been able to be by George's side today, no doubt she is devastated. If there had been any possible way she could have been there, she would have. The news confirms what we already knew - the symptoms she is experiencing are absolutely debilitating.

William and George arriving.

William and George were greeted by the Head of the Lower School, Helen Haslem, who escorted them to George's reception classroom (reception is a class that children go into when they first start school at the age of four or five.) It's thought there will be three reception classes in the school, with each expected to include around 20 pupils.

There's a very sweet moment in the video below when George shakes hands with Ms Haslem and immediately reaches for William's afterwards. As you can see William was every inch the attentive, doting dad, holding his bag and offering words of encouragement.

 It's daunting starting the big adventure that is school.

Richard Palmer writes:

"Oh look you've got your backpack," Ms Haslem said encouragingly as she took George's other hand to walk in. William, like the other parents, stayed on as his son settled in his new classroom. 
George's mother, the Duchess, who is less than 12 weeks pregnant, was not well enough to witness the landmark moment on Thursday as she suffers crippling morning sickness. A source said: "She would have done anything to be here. "It's a big day in her son’s life but she really has been very sick."
The Duke and Duchess will aim to fit their official engagements around dropping off and picking up George whenever possible.'

William told Ms Haslem that George had been eagerly watching and "noticed" the other boys going into school. April Girl and Perth Fashion noted Ms Haslem wore the elegant Amana Rose dress by L.K. Bennett and Hobbs Simone Flats. Both brands are favoured by the Duchess.

The prince will be known as George Cambridge at Thomas's.

George will have a relative in his year. One wonders if they will be in the same classroom.

Majesty Magazine Twitter

Ben Thomas, principle of Thomas's London Day Schools said George will be treated like any other pupil.

Thomas’s Battersea is a busy, thriving, purposeful school, educating 560 boys and girls between the ages of four and 13. The most important school rule is 'Be Kind'. The school, has been described by the Good Schools Guide as: "A big, busy, slightly chaotic school for cosmopolitan parents who want their children to have the best English education money can buy. That is what they want and, to a large degree, that is what they get." The school has a big focus on celebrating a range of different cultures within its walls, with 19 languages spoken in the homes of its pupils. It is believed Princess Charlotte will begin nursery school there next year.

The fee-paying school charges in the region of £17k per year. The choice surprised many, due to the distance, with bottle-neck traffic, they are looking at over an hour of travelling every day.  The graphic below gives an indication of the distance and route involved.

The Headmaster writes about Thomas's:

'We offer a rich and broad curriculum, with Art, Ballet, Drama, ICT, French, Music and PE all taught by specialist teachers from a child’s first day in school. The school is structured in three, three-year stages (the Lower, Middle and Upper Schools) within a framework of 'Enjoyment, Learning and Achievement', which informs a child’s journey through the school. Children join at the age of four and leave at 11 or 13. Whilst we are proud of our record of senior school entrance and scholarship successes, we place a greater emphasis on a set of core values, which include kindness, courtesy, confidence, humility and learning to be givers, not takers. We hope that our pupils will leave this school with a strong sense of social responsibility, set on a path to become net contributors to society and to flourish as conscientious and caring citizens of the world.'

Thomas's believes that the Early Years Foundation Stage is fundamental in instilling positive dispositions towards learning. In the Reception year children will play and explore; make choices and learn to have a go and persevere; be creative and solve problems; form good relationships; be safe, secure and happy. A stimulating environment, including a multi-sensory outdoor play area, supports the teachers’ planned activities and the children’s own initiatives for learning. The seven areas of learning and development that comprise the Early Years Foundation Stage are: personal, social and emotional development, communication and language, physical development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design.

The Telegraph notes:

'The Prince’s new school, Thomas’ Battersea, has promised to place special emphasis on making sure new parents “feel secure” about leaving their children, with a drinks reception, handbook, and workshops to show them what their reception-year offspring are learning.
 As Prince George’s first school year continues, the Duke and Duchess will even be invited - along with other early years parents - into watch lessons, learning how to help their four-year-olds with phonics at home. Prince George, along with all his peers, has also been invited to a pre-term party to help settle in and make new friends.'
As well as a formal induction meeting, mothers, fathers and carers are also invited to social drinks before the school year starts, and will fill in a handbook with their son or daughter explaining their interests and favourite things. Children are invited to their own party to meet their new classmates and teachers. Those born after April 1, like Prince George, have the option of taking a half day each Tuesday and Thursday in their first term as they get used to formal schooling.'   

Students enjoy a nutritious and varied lunch menu adapted seasonally. Wholesome, organic and vegetarian options are offered. Think warming soups, plenty of fruit and vegetables, wheat twisty pasta, Mediterranean couscous and baked smoked mackerel served on a bed of puy lentils and lamb ragout with garlic and fresh herbs, served with organic grated cheese, baton carrots and cucumber. Desserts include tropical fruit smoothies and oatmeal and raisin cookies.

A sample menu from Thomas's.

The summer uniform for Thomas's comprises of a navy pullover with school logo, light blue short sleeve shirt, bermuda shorts and blue ankle socks. In winter, a red poloneck is worn in place of the blue shirt with long red and navy socks, and a rain jacket is added. The uniform is available at John Lewis. A pair of black, polishable shoes must also be worn.

Prince William was taken to his first day at school, in January 1987 at Wetherby, by his mother Diana, while Prince Charles was unexpectedly stuck in a snowstorm.

Embed from Getty Images

Both Charles and Diana accompanied Harry for his first day in 1989. I simply adore this photo of William and Harry; Harry's darling little smile looking at his big brother...We can look forward to similar images of George and Charlotte and, of course, all three children together when Baby Cambridges arrives.

We hope George has a splendid day!

Afterwards, Kensington Palace shared this photo of William and George outside the Palace with the message "The image was taken shortly before Prince George left for his first day of school at Thomas's Battersea. TRH would like to thank everyone for all of the kind messages they have received as Prince George starts school."

Kensington Palace Twitter

More from Richard Palmer:

Richard Palmer

Prince Charles chimed in on his grandson's first day.

I'm sure George will be rushing to see his mum when he gets home to fill her in on all the details :)

We continue to send Kate our best wishes and will keep you updated on any news.